Friday, January 17, 2014

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Crochit mouse

A friend ordered a sweater online the other day.  The guy who took her order had not been there long...or perhaps had failed his textiles class in college...or maybe came from a long line of knitters who felt superior.  

He confirmed the order for the crocheted peplum but said crotchet like crotchit. My friend told her husband and they had a nice laugh.

A few nights later they went out to dinner.  Dessert was offered so her husband asked about the texture of the mousse cake. The waiter told him it was delicious and densely cakey and then said "and it has a little mouse on it" 

You say tomato I'll say tomato. You say mouse, I'll say mousse. Ha.Ha.

How do you not order the chocolate mousse cake after that? My friend and her husband laughed about the mouse and crotchit while they waited. Then the cake showed up!