Crystal Body Deodorants contain no aluminum chlorohydrate, are hypo-allergenic, and are fragrance and paraben free. This patented twist-up stick offers the economy of our rock in an easy to use and easy to hold container. It can last up to one year with proper use. Slightly moisten the top of the stick and apply generously to clean skin.
(Also at natural health food stores, I've been told, Walgreens.
My Review:
I was SO skeptical. Let me tell you. I was so, so skeptical. I've seen the big deodorant rocks in the back of magazines and have never been tempted. The whole idea of rubbing a rock on my armpit was gross. And I didn't think it could work. I've smelled a few folks who've embraced natural and somehow exude that very, very natural scent that is pungent to the point of gagging innocent bystanders. But a friend went on and on about this little stick. Told me how easy it was to use and how undisgusting it is. And how well it worked. So. I invested in it. I love the fact that it is all natural, and it's encouraged by oncologists and the breast cancer society. What could I lose but a few friends, right?
This stuff is AMAZING! I have not smelled like a goat since using it, and I've been using it for well over a month, which is a good trial as most of my deodorants/antiperspirants have shown their true colors or odors long before a month is up. I sweat, a little, but there is no odor. Even after doing something strenuous, or going beyond the usual shower times. Seriously. It is the BEST deodorant I have ever used.
LOL...maaaeeekkk!!!! - actually I know it works because my kid is using it because she is highly allergic to all the other deodorants out there :)
That stuff is awesome...love it. :)
I use it too and was skeptical at first and it is easy to pack when traveling. It is available at most health food stores and some of the Hy Vee Health Markets.
My family may make me sign waivers saying I won't bring my happy armpits up at dinner parties, etc anymore. I have become a freak about my rockin deodorant!!!! And feel the need to tell everyone how fabulous their little pits will be once they come on board the crystal train. Ha. My Hy-Vee health market has the best price. (Hopefully they don't read the blog, eh?) Hope sgb/emb got together before the iceballs started falling from the sky in our neck of the woods. : )
Yup we are safely together. I looked at the weather forecast and we left a day early to beat all the winter driving. Good thing we did or we might not of made it.
We are sitting at Erin's window with a view right now waiting for the morning coffee to finish brewing. The smell is wonderful
OK, TELL ME about your deodorant...
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