Here's some fun reading for those still looking for a beach book.
As per usual, click the book cover to head over to the Amazon info page. And if you want to read the first chapter click here. Finally, visit Tracey's website here. Come back Friday for a Dregs Q & A with Tracey. Now without further ado...here's my
This is my first Tracey Bateman novel. It won't be my last.
Fun characters run amok through food, coffee, design, hormones and drama. Italian grandmothers, "the uncles," crime drama, angst, angst and more angst plague Laini while she struggles with the fact that she can't figure out who she is and what she wants to do with what she's got. Bateman masterfully manages a huge and very eclectic cast of characters. Humor is laced throughout, yet there is a touch of melancholy for those who like a hint of it in their chick-lit.