News anchor and reporter for Fox News Radio, Todd Starnes takes a humorous but serious look at life and faith.
"Todd's story reminds me of the many ups and downs I faced during my weight loss. Along his journey Todd not only lost a significant amount of weight, but he also lost his parents to sudden illnesses. He survived a significant surgery, ran a marathon, and despite it all still managed to complete the task. Todd's story reminds us that God uses the least of us to do the greatest things, that way there is no question that it is indeed God at work."
Mike Huckabee
My Review:
I found myself groaning at corny one-liners, gritting my teeth at a few well aimed comments that convicted me, and laughing with Todd Starnes on his journey of discovery. With self-deprecation and a sweet, sometimes dipped in churlishness, spirit Todd details his journey from death to life. I appreciated his candor and wit. And I appreciated his willingness to share the hard stuff and the blessings he discovered along the way. I’m giving a copy to a friend who recently had an emergency quadruple by-pass. After all, laughter is great medicine, and we all are given today with no promise of tomorrow, so why not spend the majority of our time laughing.
Todd’s own words sum up the heart of his message and journey and I can't come up with anything better.
“It’s that simple. Really.
I may never go skydiving or ride a bull, but I have survived open-heart surgery. I’ve lost a lot of weight, and I’ve run the New Your City Marathon. And somewhere along the way, I learned that Gods’ mercies are new every morning and that His strength is perfect when mine is not. And with apologies to Tim McGraw, I’ve chosen to live the rest of my days not like I was dying. Instead, I’ve chosen to live like I was living.”