This Vegan MoFo participant wants to see GMO/GE foods labeled for what they are.
What is GMO or GE food? Genetically Modified or Genetically Engineered food. These are food products that are manipulated to make the end result travel or hold up better, carry certain characteristics that make them survive longer on the shelves, etc. These items are tweaked and grown to be pest resistant or heartier than they would be without manipulation.
This seems like a harmless idea. Right? Food that stays fresh longer, or that is resistant to things that want to steal our food from us.

I buy organic and local. That is a choice that comes with a price tag attached. I know that many others choose to not buy organic and local. That's their choice.

Warnings aren't going to turn off the customer base of those who don't care. But the ones who do, but don't know what they are truly getting in their boxes and bags at the grocery store and drive-thrus, have the right to chose, too.
If this subject concerns you, check out the following websites to read further. And if you agree, take the simple steps.
Stonyfield Farm BUZZ
Label My Food
Center for Food Safety