I'm just going to put this out there. Suffer the consequences, take responsibility for my actions.
Unload my soul.
Thursday, I killed a man.
It wasn't pretty. It was a slow, likely painful
death. First shot right in the chest...but as I aimed and kept shooting
the gun dropped on each following shot. After the chest shot he was
still standing and he still had his gun pointed right at me. So I shot
him through one of his wife-beater encased love handles then smack dab
in the middle of his thigh. He must have been on meth because he kept
staring unbelievingly at me, and aiming his blasted gun at my face. Like
he was shocked I could actually do it. Finally, I hit him with a few
gut shots.
It was him or me.
Other helpful information.
Never become a close talker even if someone is whispering their little
heart out. Close talkers can lose their gun and their life. Never let
someone sit where they may have stashed something that could be used as a
weapon. And always make sure your back is not exposed to someone who
may have access to a baseball bat.
I'm sure I'll do just great. What could go wrong? Besides, I've got a sharp-shooter as a partner.