Makes 8 deviled potatoes
Preheat to 350
Wash and remove eyes from 4 smallish potatoes. I used red and I left the skin on, but you could peel them.
Into your food processor place the following.
1/2 of a small onion
several good shakes each of salt and pepper
3 TBSPS of vegan mayonnaise
1 TBSP mustard to the onions. Give it a few whirs.
When the potatoes are cool, cut the potatoes in half longwise and scoop out a large section from the middle of each of the potatoes and add the scoop to the mixture in the food processor.

Scoop the filling into the potato wells/holes, heaping it up a bit. Then, come up with some garnishing ideas. I used paprika sprinkled over the top. Coconut bacon would be delicious.