However. I'm sure you don't want to know all of these details. Right?
So here's just a short list of things that we've discovered or experienced this week with the girls.

Reactions of other people? Everything from squeals to utter and complete disbelief that we succumbed to two puppies, to enthusiasm for the breed, to blank stares, to warnings about bad beagle behaviors in other beagles...pretty much the same kind of responses I got with announcements of my pregnancies. (except for the beagle thing...but I believe the word breed was mentioned.)
Loads of puppy laundry?
Guesstimate? Seven to ten. There was the Poopageddon morning. And the number of times where bladders didn't quite hold their liquid or puppy All-Star wrestling took place in the water bowl.
Initial cost of our free puppies?
We thought ahead a bit. Got two sets of harnesses and leashes, because these speedy little suckers are going to need containment every time we get outside and are growing like weeds. We had to get a cute puppy bed, and a brush, and a brush/mitt, a few bandanas, a chewy toy or three, matching and adorable food and water bowls, food...soft puppy mush, and organic dried puppy kibbles for the near future. Chaching. $170.00. Note: My brother runs Properpet.com If you are looking for great prices on supplies, check them out. And $170.00 is a bargain, right? In entertainment value alone.
What's been chewed on? Absolutely everything including finger, toes, ears, necks, socks, shoes...