What makes you feel alive?
I feel alive when I'm with my family, when I'm outside playing Frisbee with my boys or in our boat on the lake, in awe of God's beauty all around us.
How does something worm its way into your heart?
Through tears, truth, humor or other?
Through tears, truth, humor or other?
Tears are often the way God conveys a story to me. I'll be reading an article or watching a film, and find myself moved to tears.
That'll start me thinking . . . what was it about that story that so touched me? And how could that same emotion play a part in a story? And often at that point God will make a storyline very vividly clear to me.

Book, music, person, food you would take with you on a very long trip.
On a long trip, I'd take the Bible, and a CD mix with Chris Tomlin and Casting Crowns. I'd take my husband and kids, flax-seed bars, salmon, and green iced tea.
Where would you most like to travel ----- moon, north pole, deep seas, deserted island, the holy land or back to a place from your childhood, somewhere else? – and why.
The beach. A long stretch of white sand, clear blue-green water, a notepad so I can capture what God is placing on my heart, my family around me, and a glass of green iced tea.
Which compliment related to your writing has meant the most and why?
I hear on a regular basis that my books have changed peoples lives. That's why I trademarked my fiction Life-Changing Fiction (TM). No matter how many times I hear that, I never get tired of it. It's unbelievable to think that God is so creative, giving me a story and then using it to change someone's heart, to help them have a stronger marriage or a closer walk with the Lord. That is always my favorite reader comment.
What criticism has cut the deepest and why?
I once had a reader write to me and say that she was no longer a fan, because I've taken to writing too many books, and sacrificed my love for God and my family. That letter left me in tears, literally, because it isn't true. My family and faith will always come first. The letter was still on the screen when my daughter walked by and saw me crying. She read the letter, and later - without my permission - she wrote back to the woman and told her basically, "How dare you criticize my mom. You don't know her or us, and she's the most amazing mom ever." I told her she shouldn't have written back to the woman. But at the same time, her love for me and her response that day was something I'll never, ever forget.
What is your favorite word?
Redemption. I love the sound of it, the meaning of it, and the fact that all of life hinges on it.