Am I invisible?
Well, obviously I've chosen stark black and white, no picture to make my point. But, seriously, even then I'm not invisible am I?
I've had a bit of a problem within society of late. Cars turn in front of me as if I'm not there. My vehicle is an emerald green mini-van...kind of hard to overlook. And at the grocery store the other evening, twenty-two and I were both nearly mown down twice. Once when a woman dived for Kashi bars, where we stood, discussing which ones to get. Maybe she was hungry, really, really hungry or had horrible low blood sugar. Who knows. The second incident involved a cart and an angry elderly lady. I've blocked out the details though I may still have the resulting nervous tic.
I'm short. Maybe that's the problem. Most people look right OVER my head not even noticing that I'm standing right in front of them. Or, maybe, the issue has to do with the silver in my hair. You know how hard it is to see gray or white cars on cement at twilight...