Hmmm. It's been awhile since I struggled with what to say at the Dregs. I'm blaming it on the Dog Days of Summer.... which I have never really researched but think means that there's a certain malaise that hits after the temperature hovers in the 90's for weeks on end and the grass begins to brown, crinkle and die. When the haze of humidity greets each morning and closes out each night, and everything just feels soggy and sloppy.
Part of me wants to give a weekend update...with a recipe. But the picture is less than appetizing. And the weekend was pretty low key.
I should go downstairs and take a picture of the island permanent markered outline in the middle of my kitchen floor. Major progress actually. It means that at any point I could walk in the front door and see flooring on the floor instead of in the boxes that lean against my pumpkin colored wall.
I found some sweet deals while thrift store shopping. But again, I'd have to remove my hind-end from the couch, go downstairs and snap a few pictures...and it's really, really not at the top of my list. However, the red purse is pretty fabulously cute and was only $1.99...and the maize colored sweater makes me hope for a long and early autumn.
I finished two of the books I've been plugging away at and I need to review them at Amazon. One of them will be here...when I get the review written. But the book is so good it needs to percolate in my mind a bit.
If you want my version of Pasta Rustica, I suppose I can post it....as long as no one makes comments on the unappetizing picture. I also could give a glowing review of the Vegan Chocolate Cheesecake that 24 tweaked and adapted for her sister's birthday. With the link and the changes she made. Dang. It was super, super tasty.
And look. I managed to fill a blank blog page with a lot of words and hardly any content. Yes!!!!