A friend recently had a conversation with a person which left my friend several pounds lighter from the verbal filleting that occurred.
As my pal shared frustration and hurt we both agreed that verbal assault is kind of a signature for this individual.
And then I read the following quote.
"They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel."
As my pal shared frustration and hurt we both agreed that verbal assault is kind of a signature for this individual.
And then I read the following quote.
"They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel."
Carl W. Buechner
As a parent, and a wife, a "teacher" and a friend, this comment cuts deep. As a frequent wielder of sarcasm, it cuts even deeper.
As a parent, and a wife, a "teacher" and a friend, this comment cuts deep. As a frequent wielder of sarcasm, it cuts even deeper.
For my friend, the pain of the benign words came from the intention, the delivery and the attitude of the word sniper. Said a different way and in a different setting the words could have helped.
The quote above came from a book I'm reading to review called "One Month to Live...Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life" A book that's forcing me to think a bit. I really want to leave hope and healing as my legacy. And while I'm still on earth, I don't want to watch a shudder of apprehension pass over the faces of those I encounter when I walk into a room.
May our words bring healing and our attitudes bring hope today.