What period of history intrigues you the most?
World War II
What would you write if there were no rules or barriers? (epic novels about characters in the Bible, poetry, greeting cards, plays, movies, instruction manuals, etc.)
What makes you feel alive?
Playing with my 4-year-old niece Emily. Exploring new places and art in Europe with my husband, Michael. Listening to Puccini or Linda Eder on a Saturday morning. Or Josh Groban and Charlotte Church's duet of 'The Prayer'.
How does something worm its way into your heart? Through tears, truth, humor or other?
All of the above: tears, truth and humor.
Book, music, person, food you would take with you on a very long trip.
Book(s): Coming Home by Rosamunde Pilcher, any of Maeve Binchy's earlier works, or a good English mystery by Agatha Christie, P.D. James or Anne Perry
Music: Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini/soundtrack from 'The Mission'/Linda Eder's 'If I Should Lose my Way', Jason Castro's 'Hallelujah' 'Over the Rainbow' and 'Travelin' Thru'; Josh Groban and Charlotte Church's 'The Prayer' duet.
Person: Michael, my Renaissance-man
Food: Double-Gloucester cheese, sliced sourdough bread from La Bou, red seedless globe grapes, PG Tips tea and Scottish shortbread rounds with demerera sugar on the outer rim (sold sporadically at Cost Plus)
Where would you most like to travel ----- moon, north pole, deep seas, deserted island, t he holy land or back to a place from your childhood, somewhere else? – and why.
English countryside - because it feels like home.
Favorite season and why?
Tie between fall and spring. I love the cool, crisp air of fall, the vivid colors, and the crunch of leaves beneath my feet. And I adore the newness of spring and everything beginning to bloom: wisteria, cherry-blossoms, daffodils...
Favorite book setting and why?
English countryside. I love the peace, serenity, and lush, quiet beauty--whether it's my beloved Cotswolds, the Lake District, or the Cornish coast.
What would you do today if you knew you had only a week to live?
Spend it with my husband and the people I love.
Favorite chore:
Setting up my bookshelves (or anyone's bookshelves) and rearranging books
Grammatical pet peeve…sound off.
MISSPELLED WORDS - ANY misspelled word makes me cringe, but especially when it's a famous person, i.e., Mother Teresa (no 'h' in her name) With Google, there's no excuse other than laziness or sloppiness, to misspell someone's name. First rule of journalism: DON'T MISSPELL people's names. Always ask and doublecheck.
Societal pet peeve…sound off.
The rudeness that cell phones and Blackberries, etc. have wrought: from constant texting and talking at inappropriate times and places (movie theaters, church, nice restaurants, public bathrooms...) to not taking the time to listen to the voicemail message I left, but instead, when you finally get around to it, calling back and saying, "You called? What's up?" when I've already left you a detailed message telling you what's up, but which you can't be bothered to listen to because it would be a waste of your valuable time. (I could rant about this ad nauseum, but will instead enforce the KISS principle =0 D )