This is what we had for dinner last night.
I made a double batch of Super Genius Tortillas, pulled out my very dusty quesadilla maker (and cleaned it up). Haven't touched that sucker in two or so years.
We have a few really perfect avocados, some of the fabulous Restaurant Style Pinterest Salsa (with a few tweaks), and some frozen (thawed, of course) beans.
Tada. Quesadillas.
Two tortillas per person.
1 to 2 TBSP of beans or meat substitute
Avocado slices (we went with plenty)
1-2 TBSP Salsa (if you want another option, Mango Salsa)
If you don't have one of those bad boys, you could add Daiya cheese (to help it hold together) and cook them in a pan like a grilled cheese sandwich and slice with a pizza cutter.