My bio/description says I love change. I do…to an extent.
For example, I two-stepped on the inside (only because I’m too clumsy to master the two-step on the outside) when I spied my newly installed toilet and vanity cabinet in my still not-quite-ready-for-the-troops upstair’s bathroom.
I also willingly changed my plans to help Rob shoot insulation into the attic. This brings me to a bunny trail. Rob tells people he married me because I passed the drywall test. This lovely test requires the testee to stand on a ladder, arms raised, holding a piece of drywall in place for the tester while he nails or screws it to the ceiling. Apparently, Rob was impressed with my quick thinking when I added my head to my hands and made an easier on the arms triangle brace.
I did turn the tables on him, though. I think I’ve mentioned the gales of giggles I succumb to when lifting heavy furniture. That doesn’t happen with drywall, I’m serious and helpful with drywall. Ha. He thought I’d be useful with all heavy lifting.
Shooting insulation was no laughing matter either, unless you like to snork insulation debris into your nostrils. (Which I don’t recommend.) Though I’m sure you could Google for an insulation snorting party near you. Never try it with fiberglass!
Oh, back to the topic, change. The kind of change I don’t like is broken relationships. Okay…I know most people don’t ENJOY bad relationships, but I’m talking about the kind that isn’t REALLY bad, but where someone pulls away and floats off into the sunset. This seems to happen a lot in churches.
Sigh. I wish we could all just get along.
I miss the ones who’ve floated away. I think they took a little bit of my heart with them.
Okay – done with change, well, kind of. Thanks for your comments about Marilyn Griffith’s fun interview.
Wednesday through Friday is the blog tour for A Pagan’s Nightmare by Ray Blackston. Ray’s book is quite the adventure, so I’m anxiously awaiting his interview answers. I’ll post my review on Wednesday.