One day at a time I guess.
The ten-year-old is so excited her birthday in May makes her eligible to take the epic baby sitter training class her mom took as a six-year-old. Yes. There was indication way back then that her momma loved kids. Tennie might have I-pod withdrawals though. Ha. Ha. Since her birthday she has been listening to the same ten songs she picked over and over again.
Our little six-year-old who spent so much time with the principal in preschool rocked kindergarten. She even won the citizen of the month award and was labeled as a natural and fabulous leader. That girl needs to remember to use her skills for good. Oh please!
And finally, the second grader got a special gift from his teacher. She designed a word art with each child's name and description words from classmates and teachers. His is pictured. What I love about this is that it is framed so that he can look at it every day. And there is something soul satisfying by being reminded that people don't see us as mess-ups or frauds or dumb as we sometimes label ourselves and repeat over and over again. No. Maybe he will start including these rich truths about himself in his internal dialogue. Because he is smart and unselfish and kind and loving. Kudos to his teacher. And kudos to him for earning those kind labels.