I feel like a slacker-blogger.
A year ago it wouldn't have been a big deal to post only three times in a week, but somewhere, somehow I've picked up the need/compulsion/responsibility to blog at least 5 times. I missed the mark last week, and the week before.
Maybe it's X-ta who sends me e-mails wondering when I'm going to post again. Maybe it's because I'm used to blogging about books and doing tours with information that doesn't have a lot to do with me, so doesn't require great thought on my part.
Whatever the motivation is, I guess I need to reveal to the world that I'm kind of addicted to the process.
It's kind of odd...putting my thoughts into a simple box during moments of solitary introspection, and then realizing, after the fact, that people read my stuff and remember it.
My blog address is in my e-mail signature, so a lot of my readers are random and not necessarily those I talk with every day. An editor commented favorably on my blog-style after she purchased one of my articles. My aunt found out about my French press addiction and bought me my very own for Christmas last year. A friend from work surprised me with a Christmas present that included two kinds of tape and a notebook for my purse because of posts she read on my blog. My daughter passed along something I wrote to a friend of hers who mentioned how much he enjoyed one of my Pat posts and that he often clicked over to see what was on the Dregs. Some come to read interviews and book reviews, others see the blue and red and pass because they actually prefer reading what I write.
This feedback is both humbling and exciting. I hope I've made my posts of value. I hope you know how much I appreciate that you invest your time reading my thoughts.
Now, I'm going to go finish cleaning and take my shower. It's noon, for goodness sake, and I have a party at my house tomorrow.
Have an excellent weekend, friends.