I think the caretaker gig is inspiring me to get my goals cracked out. Honestly, I got rid of three boxes and two more bags of stuff on Friday. Okay, I had a little help in a deadline kind of a situation. My son heads up a service learning team at the high school he teaches at and they are having a fundraiser rummage sale in a few weeks. With Rob's bumtastic knee bothering him, my son offered to take his dad's truck to go buy a recliner to make his dad more comfortable. Being the wife/mom of the whole situation I decided I should go along. And since he was using his dad's truck and heading right to his school's neighborhood it would be great if I could just go ahead and help his fill and then unload the truck at the school. Since I already had three bags, I decided I could give those to him, and then went crazy in the areas that have just been barely touched. Have I mentioned I love getting rid of stuff? Why on earth did I keep this stuff as long as I did? Some of it is just embarrassing. Last year I purged the stuff I saw all the time, stuff that was in my way. This year is the year of purging the hidden. Since Friday I've found a few more items that just need to go. On another note. Rob's sitting at the kitchen table/his desk doing some work. His leg is getting better, enough that he can actually do some sitting for long periods of time. While he's occupied I've written two articles for Out of the Frying Pan's blog tour and have begun an extensive list of what each blog wants from me. It feels so good to get things checked off my to do list, even if it's only in my head.