There’s a question that troubles many believers: “Why am I not experiencing more joy, more hope, more satisfaction, more intimacy, more power, more everything in my Christian life--didn’t Jesus promise that?”
He did promise an abundant life, but too many people are trapped by the curse of “the ordinary.” They have accepted the wrong idea that following God means losing individuality, creativity, and a passion for achieving lofty goals.
Nothing could be further from the truth! John Bevere builds a convincing case, straight from Scripture, for a way of living marked by extraordinary experiences and accomplishments—the life God always intended for his children.
Here is a guide to understanding God’s incredible plans, and how to enjoy a life where he adds the “extra” to “ordinary.”
About the author:
John Bevere is an internationally popular conference speaker, teacher, and author of bestsellers, including The Bait of Satan, Drawing Near, and Driven by Eternity. His award-winning curriculum and books have been translated in over sixty languages and his weekly television program, The Messenger, is broadcast around the world. John and his wife, Lisa—also a bestselling author and speaker—reside with their family in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Visit his ministry website at www.messengerinternational.org.
My Review:
Extraordinary is a book that could revolutionize the way you think or leave you cold. It depends on how new John Bevere's information is for you. Many Bible teachers are sharing the same few key spiritual messages. This one is about living life abundantly and fully trusting God in the details. All the details including the willingness to be transformed. The message isn't a new one but Bevere shares unique insight and thoughts worthy of a few hours of time investment.
If you are struggling in your spiritual walk and wondering how you've gotten so dry or empty, Bevere's words might help you find the path to vibrancy. Many of us within the church read book after book, watch broadcast after broadcast and still refuse to do what God wants us to do... love Him with our entire hearts, souls, minds and strength. If this is your situation and you are not willing to believe God and trust Him with your obedience and yourself this book won't help.
Though not all folks from all denominations are going to be able to swallow all Bevere preaches, I believe the mature will be able to grab the value out of what is relevant and "right" with their particular party line without getting horribly twisted over details that they might not agree with.