After nibbling on all the lovely raw treats to your left, we broke out our treats.
I gotta tell you. I'm impressed. The ladies all, not even one refused, tried both drinks. Of course, no one wanted their very own mother to take home to feed. But they all tried it. I like to think that their digestive systems will thank us today.
But before class I threw together a meal that ended up being really tasty.
I call my creation Salisbury "Steak" Umm Seitan with Garlic New Potatoes.
1 onion diced
2 cloves garlic minced
3 TBSP Earth Balance
About 8 ozs of sliced/diced mushrooms
3 TBSP flour of choice
Sliced Seitan (a dozen or so slices)
1 LB of new potatoes or chunks of potatoes
1 TBSP olive oil
2 Cups of Veggie Broth
salt and pepper to taste
Put potatoes on to cook. (I brought mine to a boil and simmered for about 20 minutes. They would be good baked, too, but I didn't have time.)
I started with 3 TBSP Earth Balance in my dutch oven. Melted it. Added the garlic and onions and sauteed them. Then I took half of that mixture and added it to a bowl, with the olive oil. Stirred it and set it aside to dress the potatoes when they were ready.
I added the mushrooms to the Dutch Oven and sauteed them a minute or so. Then added the flour. I stirred until everything was covered in a thick paste. Basically just so the flour isn't in dry pockets. I added the veggie broth and stirred. It simmered while I finished the rest.
I then browned the slices of seitan.
When the potatoes were done I drained them and tossed them with the olive oil/garlic mixture that I set aside earlier. I put pieces of seitan on each plate and covered them with the gravy. And Voila. Dinner.