Out of the Frying Pan freebies. Going. Going. Gone! Unless you get going, going, going to sign up!
Two more blogs on the tour!
What I'm loving is that I've forgotten what bits of information land where. We did some serious Q and A's and article writing and sharing bits and pieces over a two or three month period. Now it's kinda like Christmas when we get to officially unwrap the gifts we rewrapped after peeking under the tree.
Actually. I never did that. I always loved surprises so much I didn't even want to risk ruining the anticipation.
However, some surprises. Yikes. Like in the interview where I discover a typo that was made by ME!
Yesterday, Jodie Wolfe posted my Q&A and Michelle appears on Whispers in Purple bright and early this morning.
For all the things you never knew you wanted to know about me. Go visit!