I love coffee. Since going vegan I've learned to love good coffee black. But when I go somewhere that has non-dairy milks (and an assortment at that) I always go for the unflavored, unsweetened latte. The best of both worlds, rich, creamy coffee deliciousness. Mud Pie Bakery makes a mean cashew milk latte. Mean. As in excellent, should you need clarification. : ) A few friends and I traveled to Kansas City for a vegan food frenzy that lasted just about 24 hours. I had been to Mud Pie on a previous trip and was excited to go back. One of the gals got a box of goodies to take home. Two of us ordered a vegan sausage, cheese scone, one got a lemon blueberry muffin and I ordered this lemon baby bundt cake. We all shared bites and sips and nearly licked plates. Seriously. Everything was delicious. Tender, tasty, perfectly textured. The lemon blueberry was declared "best muffin ever" and the rest of us had to agree that it was top notch.
In addition we each ordered a couple extra treats to share when we got home or eat on the car trip. I ordered a peanut butter cookie and a 7 layer type bar. They sat in a brown paper sack wrapped in bakery paper for 30 hours. Generally, baked goods treated like that get stale, or certainly lose a large chunk of quality. Right? These didn't. They were both delicious. I was a little sad I had to share with Rob.
Bottom line. If you are going to KC and are vegan or not, give them a shot. Two thumbs up and I'll throw in both big toes, too.