Two book reviews for you. I was offered review copies of these...and they both appealed to me.
Someday My Prince Will Come: True Adventures of a Wannabe Princess
~ Jerramy Fine
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Gotham; Reprint edition (February 3, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1592404332
My Review:
I'd like to gush over this clever and quirky memoir. I'd love to say that every woman needs to pick up a copy and get in touch with her inner princess. But I'm not sure all women should encourage the inner princess to think for them.
Jerramy Fine is a charming writer. At times engaging to the point of reader risk of a Debritt's breach while attempting to eat and read at the same time. Fine's story is a sweet lesson about making your own truth, the power of positive thinking and acting, and of being the mistress of your own destiny. One does not have to be a clone or victim of one's upbringing.
Her insider and well-studied knowledge of all things English makes the book a fast and educational read. And there were very few icky over-shares within the pages which is nice. I sometimes get very annoyed with the need to wire each page of a book with an F-Bomb.
But the drunken exploits sometimes got a little long and I found a spots of bogginess when clear, crisp details would have made the trip easier, I wasn't always sure where she was going from snippet of thought to the next. Her humor was either bubbly and free-spirited fun or snarky, and as nice as both of those can be in a memoir, sometimes the transition felt jerky. And there were a couple of scenes that left me cold or confused as to why they were included. Very religious at times, but think mystical/spiritual vs. traditional.
So. I can't recommend it to all women. But if you are a royal watcher, Anglophile, a princess in a former life (or future one for that matter) you could find this little jewel to be the missing stone from your tiara.
Comfort Living: A Back-to-Basics Guide to a More Balanced Lifestyle (Paperback)
~ Christine Eisne

Paperback: 84 pages
Publisher: Lifestyle Design (November 15, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0984228209
Product Description
With simple tools and do-able steps, Comfort Living will guide you in creating a home that transforms the way you experience each day. No big investment of time or money is required. Filled with exercises, ToolBoxes, photographs and planning pages, this book becomes a personalized experience for each reader, customized to individual needs and wants, much like a wedding planner or baby book. Just as comfort food does more than satisfy hunger, Comfort Living realigns your surroundings so that they support your priorities and feed your soul.
My Thoughts:
A very succinct guide to making a dwelling place into a life enriching environment.
Less than 100 pages, several of which are journal pages and fill-in-the-blank forms, uncover common issues that make our homes less than havens.
I found some valuable information going beyond the usual cutting clutter, organizing and decorating advice. It's not cookie cutter design or transformation plan, instead, Eisner helps the reader discover the inner drives and needs that will make their space uniquely satisfying.
I recommend this for those who want their helpful hints in to-the-point bullets rather than long drawn-out detail.
There is a companion journal. My thoughts on it:
I recommend the Comfort Living Guide, however, I wasn't real impressed with the companion journal. It's small enough it'd get lost in my purse and not leave me enough room for scribbling. If you can get both for a great price, or love the whole idea of a matching journal with the book, then sure, go for it. But if you think you have to have it in order to use the information within the guide don't let passing on the journal keep you from purchasing the Comfort Living Guide.