They've been right in front of me and somehow I missed it.
All these years I've noticed my dad's legs and I never knew they were a thing of beauty -- nearly art in form and substance. Oh, I've stared transfixed at my dad's legs. When someone stumbled, his leg would shoot out in an attempt to save said stumbler and/or slow down the impending fall. Fortunately, no one ever lost an eye in that maneuver. I've also witnessed Dad's knees steering the car while both hands were busy with maps. Don't try that at home, kids.
But this pose, while lounging on a Floridian hammock, has caused quite a stir. Several ladies in Florida complimented Pat's legs. Thinking it was a Florida thing, Mom laughed as she shared the story, and hoped that all the attention wouldn't go to his head. Then, one of his co-workers saw this picture and blurted out, "Wow. Pat has great legs."
Any of you looking for a male foot and leg model? I think he'd be interested.