Happy Monday. This week I'm bringing you two reviews and two wild and crazy author interviews. Prepare to have your brain expanded.
Click on the book cover and visit Diva's page at Amazon. Or visit Rachel at her blog.
Rachel Hauck's interview will be appearing tomorrow.
My Review:
Diva NashVegas is a well-written dual first person point of view novel that made me laugh, tear up, and speed read.
Hauck writes tight prose and great characters.
I wasn't sure I'd like this book based on the premise. A spoiled superstar diva and her sad story. Self-proclaimed divas put my annoyance-alert sensors on high.
Seriously, I don't care for selfish people and high drama gets old real fast.
I ended up being very pleasantly surprised.
Aubrie pulled at my heartstrings. Should any of us actually feel sorry for the rich and famous? But I did. And then the male character who did her wrong -- boo hiss -- I ended up feeling compassion for him, too.
Not only did Hauck try an unusual point of view change up, she actually tosses in a few "inappropriate" words and shows the heroine in a not so great moral light. I applaud the reality factor of Diva. Both Hauck and Thomas Nelson have pushed the edgy envelope.
The Christian fiction I've read lately is a long way from prarie romance. Should you prefer the innocence of the prairie breezes, you might not want to pick up Diva NashVegas. But if you're looking for a good novel that tells a good story and might just convict you, or remind you, or even give you a glimpse of the light, I suggest 'Diva."