I told ya'll that this was a big book week. Whoee. And I did it. Don't even ask me about the state of my laundry room. : ).
I kind of get into the marriage and family books, so when I was offered a chance to read this over, I jumped on it. I didn't expect to find so many takeaways.
You can read a bit more about the authors at Novel Journey (3-14-08) if you'd like.
My Review:
Do you struggle in your marriage? Maybe your husband makes no sense whatsoever to you, almost like he not only speaks a different language but he also doesn't speak any known tongue. Not only that, what you say meets with a large wall or a huge glistening iceberg, no way over it, under it or around it so you are forced to fire up the wrecking ball and go through it, just to get your point across. If this sounds even remotely like your marriage AND if you want to fix it, make it better or change it, then get this book.
Ladies, this book will step on your toes and go against your survival instincts. But, if you are willing to make some changes, you could have the marriage you've always wanted but have given up on.
Cobb and Grigsby deliver hard-hitting advice and facts that go against all the fairytale drama we've come to embrace as reality. But what they offer is a set of blueprints to real love and communication to counteract the shadow of romantic notion and mountains of frustration. The authors have lived where their readers reside. They've struggled and learned and are willing to pass along the keys to communication and a healthy marriage.
The only women who should not read this book are those who embrace the philosophy that others must change and bow to her will or a relationship isn't even worth her time. That's a lonely road. My Way or the Highway is a lonely road, and if you are on it, then don't even crack the cover because the advice and wisdom within will be nonsense to you. If you think the Bible or God is a bunch of dusty, old-fashioned hogwash, ditto, don't even go there because this book will do nothing but frustrate you.
But, if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired in the most valuable and important relationship on the earth...if you are open to making changes because your marriage is worth it...if you are willing to put selfishness aside and do what's best for your marriage, then invest the $14.95 in this book. For just a little more than the cost of a movie and fast food dinner for one and you might find the key that will help you continue to be part of a duo til death do you part.
Or if you are looking for Mr. Right or engaged, check it out. The authors tell the truth about the most intimate and challenging of relationships. What you learn now may save your future marriage before it starts to stink.
I don't know if I would have been open to the wisdom from Cobb and Grigsby during my dark days of marriage. When I gave up wanting to manipulate and play the same games...when I was sick and tired of myself and the way I treated my husband and the way he treated me, this book would have given me much of the truth I needed that I ended up learning the hard way.
Question: Do you know a definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Question: Is the same old, same old in your marriage insane because it's not going to change until you do? And do you want to remain there? If not, borrow or buy this book.
Ladies, this book will step on your toes and go against your survival instincts. But, if you are willing to make some changes, you could have the marriage you've always wanted but have given up on.
Cobb and Grigsby deliver hard-hitting advice and facts that go against all the fairytale drama we've come to embrace as reality. But what they offer is a set of blueprints to real love and communication to counteract the shadow of romantic notion and mountains of frustration. The authors have lived where their readers reside. They've struggled and learned and are willing to pass along the keys to communication and a healthy marriage.
The only women who should not read this book are those who embrace the philosophy that others must change and bow to her will or a relationship isn't even worth her time. That's a lonely road. My Way or the Highway is a lonely road, and if you are on it, then don't even crack the cover because the advice and wisdom within will be nonsense to you. If you think the Bible or God is a bunch of dusty, old-fashioned hogwash, ditto, don't even go there because this book will do nothing but frustrate you.
But, if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired in the most valuable and important relationship on the earth...if you are open to making changes because your marriage is worth it...if you are willing to put selfishness aside and do what's best for your marriage, then invest the $14.95 in this book. For just a little more than the cost of a movie and fast food dinner for one and you might find the key that will help you continue to be part of a duo til death do you part.
Or if you are looking for Mr. Right or engaged, check it out. The authors tell the truth about the most intimate and challenging of relationships. What you learn now may save your future marriage before it starts to stink.
I don't know if I would have been open to the wisdom from Cobb and Grigsby during my dark days of marriage. When I gave up wanting to manipulate and play the same games...when I was sick and tired of myself and the way I treated my husband and the way he treated me, this book would have given me much of the truth I needed that I ended up learning the hard way.
Question: Do you know a definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Question: Is the same old, same old in your marriage insane because it's not going to change until you do? And do you want to remain there? If not, borrow or buy this book.