Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Serials and Scenarios ~ And There's More....

Trish Perry is hosting us today.


And this is another chance to grab a free copy.  Plus I got to cast the movie and add some sound track, so that was fun. 

Here is what happened yesterday. I bought and held my literal first copy of my book. It was suggested I provide an office copy for the girls to read. So that's where it went. It's going to be interesting to get their feedback. 

One of my daughter's friends who has become one of my friends posted the cutest picture of her holding a kindle with my book on it and saying her day off was going to be spent with me! Okay, maybe third cutest cuz the other two were my babies! Ya know!

My brother shouted out that he had downloaded a copy and his wife's aunt said she didn't want to read it on the computer so he posted the link to the paper back. And a blogger tweeted that I had come up with the most clever blog guest Retweet ever. 
  1. You win the award for most blog guest clever RT ever 😀
  2. 4 hours ago
     and  liked your Tweet
    Is an edit by a lot like walking the plank? Find out and try for a copy of OOTFP