
Well, the secret to confidently wheeling a vehicle backwards into a twisty rectangular slot.
When I returned to my vehicle a lovely woman, wearing a vest with official looking identity marks looked up and made eye contact. "Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry. I just ticketed your vehicle."
"Dang it. I knew time was a tickin." I said and snapped my fingers.
"Well, that's not why you got a ticket. Do you know why I ticketed you?"
"Because I parked like an IDIOT?!?" I asked
She hooted. "Ha, I didn't say that... but..." She handed me the ticket. It said "violation - parking more than a foot from the curb."
aka parking like an idiot. Okay to be fair. My entire car was NOT a foot away from the curb, more like the butt of my car was a full three feet away from the curb.
Here's the really sad part. I had a blast bantering with the nice lady as she passed me the ticket. It helped considerably that she thought I was HILARIOUS. And that she thought Bean was adorable. Bean sat in the car seat cracking up watching the two crazy ladies laugh.
Hey. I've blown $16.00 in far worse ways.