Monday, April 16, 2012

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ I will overcome. I will learn!!!!

This weekend was mostly quiet on the home front. I had NOTHING to do on Saturday. So rare, and so nice and so rainy. So what did I do? I filled it with domesticity. I was not alone in my lazy day. These lumps set up camp right near my quasi-island so they could snatch anything I might drop.

My family ate. Unfortunately, a bit of what they ate ended up being more in the fail category than the keeper category. I have the hankering to enter some more recipes in another contest. An ingredient specific contest. So I did a lot of experimentation with the specified ingredients.

Also of note. I recently borrowed some Julia Child's The French Chef television episodes from the library. She used to visit our house via the television every once in awhile, some of my friends houses saw her more often.

Through grown up ears and eyes I enjoyed her very public oops and near fails this weekend. At one point, while slinging butter and real cream like she had her own personal herd of Holsteins, she made a reference to American's fear of failure. Ugh. Well, that still rings true. She put both her hands on her hips and trilled that we needed to be more French. The French have the attitude that "I WILL overCOME!  I Will LEARN!"

Ha. Ha. So my fails this weekend are now going to be labeled " Edible LEARNing opPORTUNities."

I will learn Julia's techniques and attitudes and avoid her meat and dairy ways. Yes. I will oVERcome and will make some lovELY dishes. BON AppeTITE.