If the balloon extravaganza wasn't enough fun... we had even more on the weekend agenda.
A tea party at a local historical home Sunday afternoon, to be specific. This was a budget cruncher but the lady who invited us wanted us to come along, in the worst way, so much so that paid for half the ticket price. And the ten bones it took from the September budget was worth it.
The food was good. Tea cakes, cookies, cucumber sandwiches, scones, the basic tea party goodies. But the information was fascinating.
Did you know that The Underground Railroad has a legend attached to it?
There are locations within my town that were part of The Underground Railroad, the pathway formed for Civil War slaves from the south to travel as fugitives to the freedom found in the north during. But I didn't even think about the cleverness needed for communicating whether it was safe to approach the homes, or for directions along the way. Of course, with legends, there are always questions. But the speakers at the tea went through the significance of the Civil War sampler quilts that contained multiple quilt blocks with specific and helpful meaning.
Based on information found by author Jacqueline Tobin, the story is fascinating to consider.