I mentioned I had ten cookbooks I was needing to review. You may have thought I was kidding. I was not.
Cookbooks I'm currently cooking, or thinking about cooking, from and plan to review ASAP. Really. And there are more I want to cook from, too. I'm developing a cookbook problem. I may need an intervention.
Appetite for Reduction. Recently found it's way onto my shelves. Have barely cracked the cover. But. I want to dig in...literally and figuratively.
The Complete Guide Vegan Food Substitutions is one of the first Vegan cookbooks I bought. I love the pictures of the animals. Too cute. I've tried four recipes so far. They have not been my favorite of their types. But I think this little guy will be on my shelf forever. There are hints and tips and substitution ideas galore. Kind of like my Betty Crocker. She sits there idle 80% of the time. But when you need that one basic recipe, she's there, holding the secrets of home cooking, ya know?
The Happy Herbivore. Another cookbook I borrowed from the library. I'm trying three recipes tomorrow. Poultry Seasoning Mix, No-Chicken Broth powder, and Chicken Style Seitan. The book has to go back. I'm undecided on the keeper status and whether or not I'll purchase it...but I'm going to give it the old college try.
Vegan on the Cheap...who doesn't love that? I shelled out some Christmas gift money to buy this bad boy.
One of my Christmas gifts, Spork Fed, is on my hit list. These sisters look so cute. And the food on the cover looks so tasty. I page through it when I'm tired and multitasking while watching a show. It's going to visit the work bench soon. Very soon.
Had a gift card and bought this bad boy with it. Quick Fix Vegan appeals to me on so many levels.
Veganomicon. Another checked out at the library. Then went ahead and bought it. The Chickpea cutlet recipe is worth the price. It's on her website, but there is something about the cookbook. Oh. Biscotti? Made that, tasty. Two recipes that make it a keeper.
Vegan Brunch. I checked it out from the library. How creative and different could brunch recipes be? I thought. But. Then I looked through it. Hmmmmm. Interesting and tasty ideas. Many must tries. So then I found it on sale. And it lives with me.
Another Fork in the Trail. Looked through it, marked forty or so recipes. Finally have a dehydrator. There is some serious work involved in these to make them for camping/backpacking/hiking...but I want to. Real bad.
Blissful Bites is a cookbook I received for review. I've made the BBQ sauce which was delicious. I'm not ready to go whole "hog" (excuse the non-Veg terminology).