(Awkward story. I had to run to the grocery store last night and waited til the after work crowds cleared out. At one point, while a block away from my house, I noticed my feet felt weird. I was wearing spa flip-flops. Terrycloth with nubbies and no tread and in a color that would grab notice even if my frequent wipeouts on the slick floor did not.) What to do? Did you notice I said the floors are slick and my slippers have no tread? Yes. I went home and changed into proper footwear.)
And October brings a first for me. It is Vegan Month of Food. Which was started as kind of a tribute to the NaNoWriMo. (National Write a Novel in a Month - month). But it's about Vegan and writing about Vegan.
And we know I have the capacity to do that.
Since I've participated in NaNoWriMo twice I felt participating in Vegan MoFo is a no-brainer.
I will be focusing on Vegan, which won't change things much at all. : ). October will bring a Vegan birthday cake. An overnight cold camping trip. A visit with friends from two different states who may or may not want to learn more about Vegan food and will get lots of opportunities to taste some of our trials and errors. I have four Vegan cookbooks I need to review. And. Well, there's always the farm. Kombucha, a chance to borrow a friend's Excalibur for a week. Well. Let's just say I shouldn't run out of Vegan content in October.
Happy October. Happy Vegan MoFo. Let the fun begin.