Robin Lee Hatcher's new release, A Vote of Confidence, is just around the corner. Keep reading for my review, and here's a bit more for your reading pleasure.
First Chapter
Robin's Website
Previous Dregs ala Robin.
My Review:
Vote of Confidence ended up being a satisfying and charming story. Sometimes I hesitate to read about, let alone root for a female character who comes off prickly and offended by any and all references to anything resembling a female weakness. Confidence's first few pages sent those vibes. The I'm-not-going-to-like-this-chick, vibes. In the hands of a lesser writer, that could've easily been the case. However, we're talking Robin Lee Hatcher here, and, as she painted the portrait of Gwen, she added enough humanity and depth that not only did I begin to like her, I actually wanted to see her get the guy and the job.
I love that there are some historical events that Hatcher borrowed and tweaked for her story. I also couldn't find much to not like about Morgan. If you love a solid hero, a heroine who eventually gets it, and a little suspense thrown into your historical fiction, you should probably put this one on your list.