All 5 of these books will be given to one of you lucky comment leavers. Any comment will do. As long as you leave me a way to get in touch with you and you have a real address in the US of A you are eligible.
Read a bit about each book by clicking on the title. I haven't read any of them so I can't steer you one way or the other. Don't forget to comment on the Mother's book giveaway from last week. The contest ends on the 31st.
Brought to you by the generous Hachette Book Group.
Asian Heritage Month:
1. Free Food for Millionaires By Min Jin Lee ISBN: 0446699853
2. Trail of Crumbs By Kim Sunée ISBN: 0446697907
3. The Fortune Cookie Chronicles By Jennifer Lee ISBN: 0446698970
4. Transparency By Frances Hwang ISBN: 0316166936
5. Strangers from a Different Shore By Ronald Takaki ISBN: 0316831301