Discombobulated may be one of my all time favorite words.
I'm not making this one up, EER. However, I may add to it and change the entire feel of the word. But it is my blog and I can pretty much do what I want to. You reading it is an entirely different matter, though.
I digress.
Discombobulated is nicely displayed by 22 in this photo.
Parts of speech. Noun...should you like unique names. Verb. "I be going to discombobulate you if you say that again!" Adverb. "Tom Swifty ran discombobulatedly around the Ren Faire and finally tripped over a tortoise with a lovely velvet carrier attached to his shell." Adjective. "She looked discombobulatey and quite wretched r

The root word, comb, is surrounded by chaos. Dis obviously implies uncombed or unkempt, and bulated feels like washing machine-like agitation. And that's pretty much all you need to know. Eh?
And a final sentence.
Many, many discombobulating situations took place on our road trip.