My Review:
I almost didn't watch this movie. One of my friends detested it and I trust her judgment and consider her tastes and mine to be pretty similar. However, she has read the book and loved it while I have not read any of the Kinsella novels.
I'm writing my review from cluelessness over how the story played out in the book and without comparison between book and film.
I loved this movie. Aside from a handful of a-words, several oh God's, I believe an s-word and a scene of a couple in bed (just there, not doing anything) this is a clean and charming movie. A scene of credit card bill totaling performed while tossing back shots of tequila ended up being a bad idea when a wrong letter is mailed to the wrong person -- which could make for a great discussion opener on the consequences of drinking. I think I can recommend it for family viewing, not only because of what it lacks (sex and over the top innuendo and crudeness) but for what it portrays. The main character (Fischer) has a big problem that she has to come to grips with once her life falls down around her darling half-off boots. She struggles and lies and makes some really poor choices but sucks it up and chooses to grow up, becoming an excellent and charming role model in the process.
Isla Fisher is an expressive actress and her character Rebecca Bloomwood reminded me of Elle from Legally Blonde, a smart-cookie bubblehead with a big, sweet heart. Hugh Dancy is aw-shucks with a British accent hunky. The elements of romance aren't totally believable, this is chick-lit translated to chick-flick after all, but sweet and fun. The plot line has predictability since it follows those genre guidelines. A lot of physical humor, some fun special effects (talking/gesturing mannequins), and lots of color and textures make it visually appealing. We rented it because my daughter wanted to see it. I liked Confessions so much that I watched it a second time when she invited friends over to view it. Out of four picky females and one male, the consensus was that there will be some copies purchased for personal film libraries, including us, we will be buying this movie.
Bottom line. If you've read the book, keep looking at reviews to determine if this novel to film will work for you. If you haven't read it and are looking for a fun, sweet film reminiscent of Legally Blonde, you could do far worse.