Best Ever Banana Bread (Seriously, my co-worker, Iowa farm girl born and bred said this. So it must be true. Iowa farm girls know their banana bread. )
1/2 Cup coconut oil
1 Cup sugar
1 TBSP Ener-G egg replacer (instructions for homemade here)
2 TBSPs non-dairy milk
2 ripe bananas
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/4 Cup flour (I used whole wheat pastry)
Preheat oven to 350. Grease bread pan, mini muffin pan or small loaf pans.
Melt the coconut oil and defrost* bananas (if using frozen ones) in preheating oven in medium glass or stainless steel bowl. Prepare the milk and egg replacer in small bowl. When the coconut oil is melted and bananas squishable remove from oven and add the sugar mixing well. Then add the cinnamon, salt and baking powder and mix until combined. Finally add the egg and vanilla and stir.
If you want mix-ins add them now (chocolate chips, chopped nuts, dried fruit.)

Crumb topping:
3/4 Cup flour
1/2 Cup sugar
3 TBSP coconut oil (solid)
1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
pulverized nuts (1/4 Cup or so) (optional)
Mix flour, sugar (and cinnamon and/or nuts) well, cut in the coconut oil with a fork, two knives a pastry blender. Sprinkle this over the top of the unbaked bread, muffins etc.
* in case you don't do this. When bananas get too ripe, peel them and place them in a designated zipper bag or container in the freezer. Then use them for such a time as this. Peeling is important unless you want to dig banana membrane off a frozen banana later.