My garden is growing!!! I have brown thumbs. I've killed everything I've ever tried to grow save for a few hardy cacti. But, in light of organic produce prices, I thought I'd give it a try. On order are the everbearing indoor/outdoor strawberries and a dozen assorted raspberry and blueberry bushes. My indoor garden has begun sprouting. I have teeny-tiny baby lettuce and this is flax. Yes, I'm going to plant flax. Ambitious and crazy, yup. But the seeds only cost two bucks and flax seed at the store is pricey....what can it hurt? Only dirt and some time. Righ
And behold, my bright red front door and crazy rainbow wreath. Yes, those are house keys in the keyhole. Oops.
Now, on to psyching myself up for the obedience class. Hopefully, Lily and Lola will be better there than they were on the walk we just took. Oy.