Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ To Purge or Not to Purge.

The more I get rid of the more I question my motivation for having so much to purge. The five scarves (this purge round) still leave ten in my closet. Though there are eight mugs headed out the door I have enough mugs for significant number of folks for brunch. 

The clothing....I can't imagine being a capsule wardrobe kinda gal who only owns 30 something pieces total. But I know I have too many items in my closet so I ruthlessly throw items into a bag when it can't stand and fight under my scrutiny anymore. I can't wrap my brain around the idea that two button blouses, two tees, two cardigans, three pairs of pants, a cute dress, three skirts, one sweater, two purses, three pairs of shoes, a jacket, a coat, a trench coat, two scarves, two necklaces, a lacy/fancy tank(...that's 29...I could add more?) is enough. I can't picture this being a workable scenario for me, just because my mind wants to panic at the idea of three pairs of pants and five tops. But the idea is that each of these pieces meshes with the others and with them there are a bunch of different outfit scenarios. One source said 72 outfits with 12 pieces. Here's a website that has interesting links, info etc. I'm too scared to go crazy ruthless...but if I have six pairs of pants and six skirts and ten blouses and ten tanks or tees and six cardigans/jackets....that's a lot of outfits if they coordinate. Hmmm. I maybe need to get even more ruthless. Dare I?  

I'm also really starting to think of what I spent for my collection of stuff. I am truly grateful I'm a clearance and thrift store shopper or I'd be depressed. Honestly. One of the mugs that is leaving my home was part of three purchased because they were a bargain at $.99 each. I have never needed all three, or two. Another couple of ideas that seemed good at the time and were seriously discounted were $6.00 a piece and they haven't done a single thing but gather dust for four years. Someone else needs them.  I do not. But you know what, I want that money back. A buck at a time adds up pretty quick. Just those three items is $13.00 equal to two coffee splurges with tips. 

In spite of all my questions, I do know feels better to give and purge than to buy and hoard.