My daughter, aka 22, is a deaconess at our church. I'm pretty proud of her. Even though the term deaconess sounds a lot like a team mascot, it's a rough job and it requires much maturity. It can be a thankless position of serving within a church body. Sometimes what is required is way beyond her years and experience.
She runs a book club that is satisfying and plans womens' activities that have been fun and spiritually rich. Like I said, I'm pretty proud of her. Tonight, I attended her Pilates class. She always prepares a devotion and then encourages the very mixed group of ladies through the stretching, whining and groaning.
While she taught, I realized how gifted she is as a teacher, and how many women young and not-so-young respect her. What an amazing blessing it is to see God at work in my children. What a delight it is to see my children seeking God.
It's true. Proverbs 23:24
The father of a righteous man has great joy; he who has a wise son delights in him.(Or a wise daughter.)
Now, if I could just get her to lay off my aching muscles.