Cue moving music. We flipped open the flap on the high tunnel and entered into this scene. Amazing. |
Yesterday was the first CSA pack of the season. Slim pickings we thought. Even though the spring warmth and sun started weeks ago, how much could possibly be ready to go?
Teeny tiny baby broccoli....cuchie coo!!!! |
teeny tiny baby cabbage. awwwww isn't it cute? |
For those who are skeptical that the temperature in a high tunnel/ green house gets up there. Yeah. There is serious sweat involved in gardening. |
fields of greens - lettuce eat. |
HA.HA.HA. Well, a full box. Lettuce, we harvested pounds of lettuce. That's a lot of lettuce. Trust me. We washed and packed Kale, Swiss Chard, there was asparagus, just a bit, since the season started so early. And the garlic. Oh, the garlic. Green garlic that you can use like green onions. The smell was heavenly. I'm going to saute some of the greens with Swiss Chard and toss in some sunflower seeds. I'm pretty sure that's going to be amazing. We even got nice sized radishes. And dill. Oh my. I've missed my garden box of deliciousness. And, don't forget to hug your favorite organic farmer. This veggie tending is hard work.
We also met a horticulture student doing an internship. It was her first day in the fields. She is currently taking a class on insects. We asked her if she'd ever encountered a tomato worm. She has not. We have sufficiently terrified her methinks. And I didn't even tell her about the ritualistic tomato worm dance.
kale...nuff said. |