Just goes to show you....on Sunday I swore to a whole room full of people that I'd never watch Marley and Me.
Why? Multiple reasons. A) I can not handle pets in jeopardy scenes. I won't watch Old Yeller, I cried over the promo clip for 8 Below. My mom always thought Lassie was my favorite show, but I always watched with my little heart in my throat and sweat glistening my brow. B) I'm sentimental and a sucker for anything that is designed to play my heartstrings. I've cried at Hallmark and coffee commercials along with a thousand movies. It's so bad that my family watches me for entertainment during sad scenes.
Marley and Me were never meant to be. But on Monday, a friend invited a few of us over for her birthday. Her movie of choice? Yeah. You guessed it.
I sobbed. Not even going to try to downplay the sad. My eyes were swollen for at least an hour after the movie ended. I didn't just cry at the end, I was leaking from the mid-point. I'm not even a natural dog person. That said, I like Marley and Me. I liked it because it didn't rely on just cheap "cute" pet shots to win over the viewers, instead it was a nicely fleshed out character piece. The Grogans struggled with life in quite a few scenes and I was there with them. I didn't grow as attached to Marley as I might have, and this is a good thing, any more attached and it would have been too, too sad, because the filming covered about a dozen years in highlights.
Some of the scenes were hysterical. Some also hit a little close to home. Alan Arkin cracks me up. I love his delivery. Only one caution...I watched this film with an eleven year-old and cringed a few times. The language is mild, but there is some. The situations are PG-to PG-13, but there are a few uncomfortable moments, especially with a child in the room. So, parents, don't assume this is G-rated Disney family friendly. If you are concerned, check it out first.