I worked like a beast!
We finished hauling stuff out of two of the three rooms we are turning into our new space so the kids can take over our upstairs. Drywall, studs, old insulation, carpet, disintegrating carpet stick on pads, it all had to go.

Oh, and after we had loaded more stuff into our sons car for his Service Learning Group garage sale fundraiser, we had some furniture we wanted to get rid of. Before just taking it down the road to the Goodwill just to get rid of it, a friend texted me that a friend of her's son was just getting an apartment after rehab and needed everything. Uh, we had a futon, a queen size bed that we were going to probably put in the landfill because who's going to buy a used mattress from Goodwill ya know?

After we hauled it down so they could load it up, after we got the last bit of drywall torn off the wall we all collapsed into hot, filthy messes but were all so satisfied with what we got done!
Sunday we got a bit more cracked out.
Monday. Wham! We killed it again. I even cut up some branches into logs for fire pit fires when the big remodel is done. Rob wouldn't let me use the chain saw for obvious reasons all of which would involve pain and blood. So I used his saws-all. Ha.Ha. Which he hurt himself with later. I'm lucky to be alive.
Oh, and today, Out of the Frying Pan RELEASES! Fern shares a bit about herself here.