Product Description:
Do you wish something in your life was different? Take heart! You already possess the first and most important ingredient for change. Don’t waste your dissatisfaction, wield it!
Intimate, humorous, and inspiring, Only Nuns Change Habits Overnight will take you on a journey from where you are to where you want to be. Do you long for a more rewarding career? A more passionate marriage? A healthier body, brighter future, or happier heart?
With her trademark blend of laugh-out-loud humor and sage advice,
Karen Linamen introduces you to 52 powerful actions
you can apply to any change you long to embrace.
In the process, you’ll discover the missing link between dissatisfaction and transformation; learn painless ways to remodel your habits; understand why you procrastinate and how to stop; learn how to generate the energy you need to pursue the life you want, and, above all, discover options and resources you never dreamed you had.
What are you waiting for? No matter what has been holding you back–fear, fatigue, adversity, heartbreak, failures, or even the choices of other people–get ready. Get set. Lasting change is possible and its time to get started!
Includes questions for reflection and discussion.
My Review:
This is the first of Karen Scalf Linaman books I've read and I enjoyed her cut to the chase style of putting it out there. I also enjoyed her sometimes subtle, sometimes in your face humor.
If you are looking for some enthusiastic cheerleading for choices you know you need or should make, you could benefit from Linaman's helpful ideas. If you aren't ready to do what you need to do to move forward with lifestyle changes, this book isn't going to make your life better.
I appreciated that all her wisdom and suggestions can be applied to all areas of life. You don't necessarily need a handful of how-to books to cover all your resolutions. Hers would be sufficient because her insight covers across the board. Her chapters are short and broken up into quick bite-sized nuggets and snippets of story.
Very conservative religious may struggle with some aspects of this book and the author's personal struggles. If you can't accept a Christian remarrying after divorce, then you'll want to pass because Linaman is honest about her own path in life that includes a failed marriage. If you are expecting very deep Biblical wisdom and counsel you might be disappointed. However, the author includes the basic Gospel message and several scripture references. That said, non-religious can find takeaways that will help them to focus on what they could do to move beyond a struggle or bad habit.
As with all self-help books if it just ends up on your bookshelf it's not going to benefit you. If you are going to buy it and not commit to pulling out what makes sense to you and using it, don't waste your money. But if you truly want to makes some changes Only Nuns could be just what you're looking for.