Some of my photos from yesterday were cryptic. Okay, maybe not cryptic, maybe just weird. But, honestly, you would expect what? I started one of my resolutions for 2015 early. Why wait till January 1? I flipped through a series of articles one random day and read about a woman who decided to purge clutter to the tune of 1,000 items. She was inspired by this blog. She said it was freeing and between her four immediate family members they found 1,000 excess items and none of them missed a single one. I decided right then and there that losing 1,000 items seemed like a brilliant idea and my 2015 goal. But then, while doing some cleaning in my pantry I couldn't wait. I declared my resolution to begin December 1, 2014 and end November 30, 2015. Then I started tossing things into bags. Rob caught the bug, too. He didn't count his items and I did not count his in my total. I am the one who will personally purge 1,000 items of excess. (My rules = pairs count as 1 item.) My personal count? I'm a 1/3 of the way to my goal. 339 things which includes useful items I don't want, need or use. The homeless shelter we donated to weighs the contributions. Rob and I removed 228 pounds out of our lives and boy does that feel great!