Visit Nikki.
I'll post Nikki's interview on Friday.
My Review of "As I Have Loved You."
This is not your traditional Christian fiction.
As I Have Loved You feels a whole lot more like the lives of the complicated believers I rub shoulders with, and dare I say, live with.
Leigh is prickly, edgy, judgmental and her motivation seems so right. After all, she only wants what's best for her son, Jeff.
Jeff, an untried lover of the down-trodden, trained to be compassionate and loving by a mom who sacrificed much for him.
Characters who screw up, love the Lord with pitiful and pathetic offerings and rotten motivations, Leigh and Jeff are a really good example of American Christianity. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Needless to say, but I will anyway, this book may not sit well with you. It's not escapism, it's realism. Written well and with a twist or two, it is heartbreakingly frustrating. Not the sitcom crash and recovery in 20 minute model of storytelling. If you can't read about a Christian who sins and lives to seek forgiveness and is left with scars but is drenched in grace, don't pick it up.
But if you are seeking a story that will challenge you, one infused with reconcilation, forgiveness, grace and heartbreak, pick up a copy.