Oddly,I've just returned from up north. Oddly? Because it was an odd trip. I'm beginning to think that the common denominator is moi or mine...
This family we've bonded with seems to be as strange as ours. For starters, we love many of the same obscure and slightly inappropriately funny movies. Clifford (with Martin Short) and the Three Amigos to name a couple. Not exactly PC films.
Secondly, the adult females have a bizarre "out Martha" competition. The one who can make the most folks weep at any meal wins. Not necessarily weeping from the beauty and presentation. More like quantity, and now it seems, fiber.
Thirdly, there is often a health issue that crops up. For example, I vomited for twelve hours during their first New Year's visit. And again, during their second. My friend claims that this is some sort of sick Martha thing wherein I don't have to eat because of "queasiness" for a full 24 hours, thereby winning that round. But, then, she turned around and had female troubles requiring a complete hysterectomy a week after we left their place once. Hmmm. How many Martha points did she grab while entertaining with a hemoglobin level of 9? Yeah.
So this time, their oldest had an appendectomy the day before we arrived. His sisters and 22 look on with concern during his big outing to the park. My friend claimed that "Martha" missed her house this time what with the surgery and all.
I'm still crying.