After a week of bizarre and record breaking weather, Iowa is perfectly in the 60's and 70's. Last Tuesday's 97 degree day (the one where we swooned in the green house -- gasping for air and water) was followed by a weekend that hit high 30's in the evenings. Really.
Today will be another day at the organic farm. I'm so looking forward to it. It may be my last organic garden adventure for a bit since the other helper should be back next week. And last night, after we had to shop for a washing machine. (BUNNY TRAIL ) UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Don't you just hate being grown-up sometimes?
When we were kids money grew on trees and appliances were just there to make our parent's lives easier -- and more importantly, ours. The machine we are replacing is one that was a used one, and last year it took a powder... the repairman, after collecting his $50.00 service call fee, switched out a belt, and gave it a test drive. UGH. It then began leaking and he pointed out the heavy duty plastic drum that had a small leak.
He basically said that $50.00 was too much to invest and he was really sorry it was non-refundable. Rob actually gorilla glued a chunk of plastic over the leak. The dang thing was working, leak-free, until it stopped spinning and agitating last week. It's time to retire it. Forever. At least we got a year out of it before it tanked.
Back to the garden talk... after the washing machine hunt, we walked around our own little piece of agriculture. Our blueberry bushes are decked out in white flowery buds and my folks bought us an apple tree for mother and father's day. Our raspberries look like they are really going to come through with a yield this year. Rob wants to add another four-by-four section to the garden, cut out some tree branches that have made our main garden a little shady in spots, and add another row of stones at the base of the main garden for a tomato bed.
One of the things the organic farmers mentioned to 24 was that placing potatoes, eggplant and tomatoes in the same spot

After we are done at the organic garden, 24 and I have been given honey-do lists for what we can do to help Rob out since this weekend the garden will be going in. In July I'm going to be happy, happy, joy, joy when we start hauling in delicious produce.
And, lest you think I won't be trying any new recipes for awhile. Ha. We just got some information about tempeh.... what is that? you might ask. Fermented tofu...more or less.....you, of course, will be hearing about that.