Apparently a whole bunch of people read yesterday’s post, because I didn’t encounter one bad driver today. And boy did some of you have ugly driver stories. Carry-on, be brave, fight for right, friends. (of course, pun intended)
See, it is true; one person can make a difference.
Today’s traffic report’s focus: unique road-kill.
It’s not unusual to encounter several corpses along the road side in Iowa. Usually a Picassoed raccoon or two, maybe a bloated deer carcass, and occasionally a pet -- which is heartbreaking.
Many squirrels dot the highways and byways, which aren’t (legal disclaimer – unless they are black squirrels which are protected by law, then it’s a tragedy) exactly cause for mourning.
Traveling less than three miles this morning, I spied two decimated boxes.
Less gore, but still chilling.
Speaking of black squirrels, I witnessed a woman harassing one on Sunday. Harassment of black squirrels is illegal in my neck of the woods. And I suspect this has gone to the heads of the black squirrels. They have some sort of entitlement complex going on. The poor brown squirrels deserve our pity. They’ve become sad little squirrel serfs.
My friend simply tried to fling her Frisbee into the golf hole. The squirrel held his ground and shot her “the” eye. He moved when I wound up for a fling. He may have noticed the car count I’d amassed. (Three, in case you are curious, plus one that sailed under the car without touching it.) Though, since my friend almost nailed me once, the squirrel should have maybe been a little more cautious around her, unless the squirrel was one of the edgy ones, the type seeking the thrill of adventure, a furry little adrenaline junky.
Sad when squirrels develop that attitude. Now that I think about it…maybe it was distracted. No, he wasn’t on a cell-phone but he was carrying a nut.
I’m leaving on a jet plane. I’ll be back again. Famous and moving lyrics to simply tell you I’ll see you next Wednesday. Unless I can “borrow” some sweet laptop and wi-fi in Dallas, then maybe I’ll see you sooner.
While you wait, you can check out this set of links announcing a brand new book release. Once again, I know nothing (about the book, silly kids!). The summary on Amazon looks like it won’t be a light read, but it sounds gripping and powerful. I know God can do miracles with messes, He has in my life.
Something That Lasts:
James David Jordan's website: