My Review:
A documentary with so much heart I'm pretty sure it would be impossible to watch without a few moments of blinking back tears. A performing ensemble made up of those in their very golden years, has set out to throw themselves into music and into the entertainment business with a sweet twist and unique takes on a quirky array of songs. Stand out numbers were Sonic Youth's Schizophrenic and James Brown's I Feel Good. The performance of Cold Play's Fix You just about undid me.
There are hilarious moments like a car trip with an 86-year-old at the wheel. Touching moments including a song dedication that didn't leave a dry eye in my house, or the sell out audience for that matter. And in between were the moments that brought life and death to the surface. Those moments shared with dignity and honesty.
Other than a smattering of off-color/suggestive comments (PG rated), Young at Heart is great family viewing.
As with all documentaries, the winding stories and details of life may bore children. If you hate documentaries you might not be won over to the genre by Young at Heart, but you'll also be missing a fascinating and encouraging slice of life if you skip it.